Preferably in a vertical position so that the yeast remains at the bottom of the bottle, at a temperature of 10-12°C (50 to 53,6°F).
The "consume by date" given on some labels is a recommendation but does not mean that the beer cannot be drunk after that date. It can never, in fact, go "bad ".
Chimay Blue / Grand Reserve and Chimay Red / Premier:
Being vintage, some connoisseurs keep the Grande Reserve for 10, 15 or 20 years. It will oxidize in the course of time. The Premier must be consumed more quickly.
Chimay Triple / Cinq Cents:
The Cinq Cents should be consumed as young as possible so that it retains a maximum of bitterness.
Monday beer links: High hopes and dashed hopes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Well, the first shot I got was in a dynamite truck
The driver kept me telling me his bad luck As we swerved around the curves
I beg...
5 days ago